​Alkaline Water and Parasites

Posted by intelgadgets on 7th Jul 2016

Don’t Let Parasites Thrive in Your Digestive System 

It’s good to have healthy probiotic microorganisms in your digestive system that can benefit your health, but it’s also possible to have harmful living organisms present there that could cause problems within your body.

These are intestinal parasites, and they can cause various health issues especially to the digestive system, including diarrhea, pain, nausea and immune system weakness. One way to try to prevent or treat this problem is to drink alkaline water.

How Does Alkaline Water Help?

AskaNaturopath.com says that an acidic environment in the digestive system creates the right living condition for these parasites. The site explains that cutting down on acidic foods you eat and increasing the alkaline influences you take in can help get rid of intestinal parasites once they’re present in your system. You might also be able to prevent new ones from living in your system when you’re not providing them with the right conditions to stay and thrive.

So cut down on your acidic consumption, which could include foods such as sugar and coffee, and take in more alkaline through methods such as an alkaline diet and alkaline water.

Added Help Against Parasites

If you’re trying to kill parasites that you have picked up, or maybe be on the safe side just in case, there are a number of foods you can add to your consumption of alkaline reverse osmosis water to combat parasites, according to therapist Katherine Ung. Consume more green onions and garlic, cayenne pepper, papaya, thyme and coconut, among others. Bitter foods are also supposed to help.

Filtering Out Parasites

While your alkaline water might help create a better environment inside your body that parasites don’t like, another consideration is that parasites are sometimes present in drinking water. By filtering the water with your water ionizer, which removes many contaminants in the water while controlling the pH level, you can minimize your risk of drinking parasites and adding to the problem.

Easily Drink More Alkaline Water

When you have an alkaline water machine or other water ionizer at home, you can hook it up to your tap and quickly turn your tap water into alkaline ionized water. This way, you’ll get filtered water to the pH of your choosing, helping you have a healthier digestive system free of parasites.