The Benefits of Using an Air Humidifier in Your Household

Posted by intelgadgets on 6th Jul 2016

Improve Indoor Air With an Air Humidifier

The idea of improving your indoor air probably makes you think of setting the thermometer to a comfortable temperature and using an air filter to cleanse the air of floating contaminants. These tactics are valuable to having healthier air that feels nice on your body, yet they won’t always be enough to achieve the best quality of indoor air for your family’s health and happiness. You also need to focus on the humidity level of the air. An air humidifier can help you with that.

How Humidity Levels Affect Your Household

You can encounter dry air in the winter from cold outdoor air, which has less moisture than hot air, and from dry heat in the house, or all year from living in a dry climate. Dry air can cause a variety of health concerns for your family. These include dry, itchy skin and thirst. Dry nostrils can lead to nosebleeds and make you more susceptible to germs that would get trapped by moist mucus in wetter climates. Dry air can also cause problems if you have asthma by constricting your breathing passages.

How an Air Humidifier Helps

It’s best to have a balanced indoor humidity level that falls in the range of 30 to 50 percent. To achieve this, you might need to rely on a dehumidifier or a humidifier depending on your air conditions. You can use a humidity gauge if you want to know the exact humidity level of your air.

If you live in a very humid environment, such as a subtropical region, or during humid summer months, you may need a dehumidifier to cut down on the level of humidity within your indoor air. This can help because too much humidity can cause its own problems, such as mold, mildew, bugs and home damage from moisture. Otherwise, an air humidifier will add more moisture to the air to provide comfort in a drier climate or during the winter.

In addition to improving your health, controlling the humidity level can affect how much you run your heating and air conditioning, and how much money you spend on them. You might think that the air is too hot or too cold, but the real problem is the humidity level. The air feels cooler when its humidity is lower and warmer when its humidity is higher. Therefore, changing the humidity level can help you use your HVAC systems a bit less.

Using an air purifier with an air humidifier or dehumidifier can help you maintain comfortable humidity levels in your home that make you feel better and cut down on health and home problems.